Sunday, June 26, 2011

1st year anniversary

23/6 was our 1st year anniversary ~


This is the 1st year that we are fall in each other ~

sry that 23th i cant accom you to celebrate our anniversary~

but 25/6 << yesterday ~

After i practice my badminton ~

Then i go Dear house ~

Funny ==

Her mum was obsessed in the KW music ~

XD she was searching music by the time ~

i call her ==

She didn’t listen ~

And keep searching LOL!!!! :D

After that i go bath ~

And take a rest in biii’s bed room ~

untill 4.30pm ~

We hang out ~

And ~ Biii didn’t tell her mum she will not to back home for working !! XD

Nvm ~

We went to Sunway Pyramid to take our dinner ~

Wew~ Level CP2 have alot Parking ~

So after i parked my car ~

Then We go Gai Gai :|

We taked Fullhouse as our dinner ~

Cause i had promise bii that i will take her to eat Fullhouse when our 1st year of anniversary~


We take Wok-Sea Chicken Chop ~ And Breaded Chicken Cutlet~

Stomach Full daoooo ==

Then we go buy Juice World geh Juice~

Lychee Paradise :D

Then take a sit with biii while drinking and gossip ~

After that 8,00pm then we went home ~

And stay at bii house for 4 hours ~

Sry biii… I promise you that next time i will accom you longer…

Pls forgive my mistake ….


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